a frederick memorial hospital birth session The most special part of a birth session is getting to capture all the firsts the very minute they happen. The first little lambie cry. The look on mom and dad’s face as they see their infant for the first time. The first time they hold their baby. The […]
an under the sea lifestyle newborn session Katie + Troy were referred to me by a current yearly Expressions’ client for their maternity photos (which you can see HERE). I loved working with them and was happy to get to do their newborn session with two-week-old baby girl Abigail as well. When I got to […]
a boho nursery in-home lifestyle newborn session Ashley and I grew up together going on family camping trips since our Moms are best friends. Ashley was only one year older than me in school, but we have definitely grown closer since I started photographing her family. Now, instead of sandcastle campground contests and s’mores, we’re […]
an in-home fairfield lifestyle newborn session Newborns are one of my favorite session types to shoot because these sweet little loves only look this way for such a short period of time. I like to schedule newborn sessions when babies are 6 days old or younger. It’s crazy how much they change after that first […]
family fun-filled lifestyle maternity + two-year milestone session I love lifestyle sessions, especially those that take place in the client’s home. Everyone, especially the men, seem more comfortable and it truly shows throughout the session. I met Katie + Troy in high school and couldn’t have been more honored that they choose me to capture […]