day three | 31 day – meet the maker challenge


march meet the maker series

 day three | •how you started•

If you’re like my husband and are drawn to the back cover of the book version – the short answer is, from the love of photography my grandfather [Pappy] showed. However, if you love hearing stories like I do then stay with me as I take you on a little journey!

Pappy ALWAYS had a camera or a saw/paint brush in his hand for as far back as my memory serves me. His first ‘big’ camera he got while stationed in Germany and took such great care of it. His excitement continued throughout the rest of his life for photography while acquiring multiple lenses, cases for everything, filters, flashes – the whole shabang! He took on the responsibility of taking photos for vo-tech where he taught and is responsible for the hundreds of photos that my grandmother sifts through of their trips together out west.

His camera traveled with him from Germany back to Pennsylvania, to Pittsburgh with me and currently by my side in my office while I edit images for all the beautiful families and businesses I joyfully get to call my clients.

How did I get to where I am today? My love for photography escalated when I had the chance to really learn in high school. I went on to take absolutely every photography course I could throughout college – even filling up all my electives with more photography training. I opened my business in 2008 and have continued to learn and grow through workshops and webinars. It’s safe to say I’ll never grow tired of this ever changing industry and love that it’s carried on not just through my photographic eye, but through my inherited heart.



Want to join the journey?  Check out the website designed specifically to help you successfully execute this Instagram Challenge!  See you in the hashtag – #MarchMeetTheMaker !