business, Photography Education

Blog banner image containing the title "Take Back Your Time: Why Your Business Feels Overwhelming (and how to fix it) by Jamie Fisher accompanied by a photo of Jamie Fisher laughing, sitting backwards on a light colored desk chair with marketing calendars hanging in the background.

Running your own business was supposed to give you freedom, right? Somewhere along the way, you’ve found yourself drowning in tasks, working more hours than ever, and wondering why success feels so exhausting. Non-existent time management and burnout are the current reality. Does this sound like you could have just written this yourself?

If your days seem packed, your to-do list is only getting longer, but your bank account isn’t growing, the problem isn’t that you need more clients. (What did she just say?) The true culprit is the fact that your precious CEO time is being stolen by inefficiencies, poor boundaries, and outdated workflows. Until you fix these, more clients will only equal more headaches.

The good news? You hold the power and can reclaim your time, refocus your energy, and have a business that works for you. If you want it.


Most business owners assume they just need to work harder or organize their schedules better. But if your calendar is filled with non-money-driven tasks, creating an environment that keeps you constantly busy without real progress, you don’t have a scheduling problem. You have a time leak problem.

Think about your average workday. How much time do you spend on:

  • Answering the same client questions over and over?
  • Jumping between tasks without finishing anything? (I see you open tabs!)
  • Creating content from scratch every time you post?
  • Feeling overwhelmed by marketing instead of following a system?

These time leaks don’t just make your days chaotic. They keep you from scaling, making strategic decisions, and enjoying the freedom that made you start this business in the first place.


As a CEO, if your time isn’t managed well, it’s costing you more than just stress. It creates a domino effect on how the entire business is run and directly affects not only your bottom line but also your long-term success. 

Here’s what’s been coming up for real students of Jamie’s:

  • Burnout sneaks up fast. You work longer hours to compensate for inefficiency, leading to exhaustion, resentment, and, eventually, creative burnout.
  • You miss opportunities. Instead of focusing on high-impact strategies, you stay buried in tasks that could be automated, outsourced, or eliminated.
  • Your client experience suffers. When you’re stretched too thin, details slip through the cracks, response times get slower, and client satisfaction dips.

If you’re feeling any of this, your business doesn’t need a bigger marketing budget, more clients, or another “productivity hack.” You need to get serious about protecting your time.


This CEO thing? IT’S HARD! And most entrepreneurs have no idea where their time actually goes. I’m a huge advocate of tracking your time, but I also know that anytime I mention doing so, I’m met with ALLLLL the eye-rolls. I know you know I’m right, but I also know how that can feel like just “adding another thing” to your already stress-filled day. And as much as I believe in time-tracking and auditing -when it’s time to make a shift? You’ve got to have a quick win to start positive momentum. 

That’s why I created this Quiz. Now you have a simple way to identify exactly what’s eating up your workday so you can fix it.

Once you know your biggest time drains, you can start making real changes instead of just trying to “work smarter.”

HOW TO GET YOUR TIME BACK (goodbye burnout)

Are you ready? Here’s where to start:

1. Fix Your Pricing, yes, now. 

If you’re overbooked but underpaid, your pricing model is the problem. Unless you have systems and a team in place to handle a high-volume schedule packed with low-paying clients, assessing, focusing on increasing your rates, and offering higher-value services is going to immediately allow you to take a breath.

2. Streamline Your Workflows

If your business relies on you doing everything manually, you’re never going to get ahead and time management will feel like the heaviest word anyone could utter to you. Automate repetitive tasks, create templates, and set up systems that free up your time.

3. Get Smart About Marketing

Marketing doesn’t have to take hours every week! It’s all about creating systems that work FOR you. Having a repeatable (incredible) system will beat out starting from scratch every time. And I promise that you can still deliver a client experience that feels customized!

This is where tools like Enji can help. Instead of spending hours figuring out what to post, Enji helps you simplify content creation so you can stay visible without losing your mind. When marketing runs on autopilot, you get back valuable time to focus on running your business – not just promoting it.

4. Protect Your CEO Time

Your business NEEDS A LEADER, not another employee. << Read that again.

Set boundaries around when you check emails, take meetings, and work on admin tasks. Block off CEO time every week to focus on long-term strategy, financial planning, and growth. Time management isn’t boring, it’s protecting you from the repercussions of burnout.

5. Say No More Often

Not every client, opportunity, or request deserves your time. If it doesn’t align with your goals, takes too much energy, or pulls you away from high-impact work..you guessed it! It’s a “No”. (And a HECK YES to freedom, growth, and impact!)


More time won’t magically appear on your calendar. You have to take it back. But you’ve got me in your corner and tools made just for you!

  • Start by taking the Time-Suck Quiz to find out what’s really draining your hours.
  • Next: Start making changes! Adjust your pricing, streamline workflows, and set (and keep) real boundaries around your time.
  • Consider adding Enji to your business backend, making marketing easier so you can focus on what actually grows your business.

Ditch the employee mindset and step into CEO greatness. It’s time to be a total time management boss, make burnout a phrase of the past, and work smarter in a way that supports your life, not just your business.

Take the Time-Suck Quiz Now: https://jamiefishercollective.com/time-suck